Last Updated on: 2nd July 2023, 07:45 am
Hindustani Bhau replied to Waqar Zaka after the controversial video of Bhau on shahid Afridi which went viral on Instagram. In that video, Bhau abused shahid Afridi‘s late mother and his family because Afridi said something wrong about Narendra Modi.
When waqar zaka Pakistani tv host watched that video angrily he abused Hindustani Bhau wife, family, and parents and challenged hindustani bhau to come on youtube live video and apologize.
Waqar zaka also told her fans to mass report this Instagram video and delete it. In the meantime, he also DM Hindutani Bhau on Instagram to come live on youtube to settled down this whole issue.
Hindustani Bhau accepted Waqar zaka’s headphones show invite and both of them talked to each other for almost more than 20 minutes. You can check out some of the glimpses of YouTube video over here:

Bhau said he became abusive when shahid Afridi published some bad things about PM Modi’s image. In waqar zaka’s show, he told I hadn’t any intention to abuse some and their mother, I just did it in opposition because first, he abused our PM.
He also said to zaka that Dr. Turqi and Sajida Ahmed continuously abusing India and Indian celebrities if they can’t stop then I can’t stop abusing them.
In the last moments of the video, Hindustani Bhau challenged waqar zaka that from now I will not abuse anyone if they don’t abuse me and my country.
“It wasn’t my intention to abuse any Pakistani people they first start abusing India and Indian people. I apologize from you waqar zaka if I said anything bad about your mother.” Hindustani Bhau said.
In the final note, waqar zaka said it’s Ramadan we should respect each other religion and thoughts. Kashmir is a different issue but we should settle down each and everything in a positive manner.

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